October 30, 2009

playing with Google Wave

  1. You need a real broadband and a not too old computer. Wave is a really real-time enviroment.
  2. The interface design is pretty straight forward, looks like a mail clients, however you still need a little work to understand the "wave" term and cpuples minutes to familiar with the new interface.
  3. The open-protocol policy and well documented API brings a lot of extentions, I would like to call those gadgets as apps in the future.
  4. I would say it's a evolution of communication, and google is being evil again!!!(cuz I don't feel right to keep my content on wave server even though it claims only use my id and password.)
There is something interesting about google wave, they don't support the IE browser (even the IE8), the team indecated that using Google Chrome Frame would be a wise choice :). For more details about Wave on IE check this out this: Google Wave in IE.

In some perspect,  IE is a obstruction for google to developing new features. For most internet users, it will be a remarkable numbers of people who seen this page once Wave turns to public, then there will be a real wave for the browser war.

After all, its still in preview version also lots of function isn't ready yet, hope it won't just be nerdy tool.

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